DJ Pikachu – Lightning Remix by mplusplus

mplusplus is a crew of stage technologists who is here to innovate the common sense of entertainment. They create LED based performance and systems themselves.

This performance called "Pikachu Lightning Remix" is the VJ and DJ performance created to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Pokemon.

All music is remixed with real Pokemon game sound sources and VJ is synchronizing the music.

These music are all make me nostalgic and excited.

This is a just video performance but we can feel it as a real performance stuff like we are in front of the stage.

At the technical point, the led screens behind Pikachu are automatically controlled and synchronize the performance. The position and contents of screen are controlled by their own software.

This screen has been used for other performance events as well.

This is the another live performance event in Yokohama Japan called "Pikachu Outbreak".

Like this performance, these led screens can be used for switching stage directions and scenes not only showing videos.