Based on the Biodesign Challenge rubric

Judging Rubric - Biodesign Challenge

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I chose “Trans*Plant : May the Chlorophyll be with /in you

“TransPlant : May the Chlorophyll be with /in you” is a multimedia installation project, that aims to present the work behind TransPlan, as well as to produce a situated and non-distopic speculative fiction.

Trans*Plant : May the Chlorophyll be with /in you | Akademie Schloss Solitude: Schlosspost

Trans*Plant: May the Chlorophyll be with/in you

I couldn’t understand this part.

The binomial culture/nature structures an almost infinite list of other binomials found in modern Western thought: man/woman, white/non-white, straight/queer, science/witchcraft, adult/child, normal/abnormal… The second term of each binomial is associated with nature and is therefore subjected to the same regime of violence


Is the project original? Does it approach the chosen topic in an innovative way?

I have never heard such a speculative project.

The topic aims to present the work behind TransPlan.

Not sure what the Trans*Plan is...

chlorophyll intravenous injection to make human to plants is a brand new performance.

It combines biomedical research, performance and speculative fiction.