Notes to editors: follow accessibility guidelines! If you’re not aware of what that means, check the NYU accessibility guidelines and the WordPress accessibility guidelines. On this site, the most common things you need to consider are:


What is it? What does it do? If a sensor, what physical properties does it measure, and to what ranges and resolutions? Include a photo or image, like that shown in Figure 1.

This component is likely one of a class of devices (e.g. accelerometer, potentiometer, joystick). What other manufacturers have a comparable product?

If you are choosing just one, why did you choose this one over the others (briefly; see below for details)? If you’re describing the whole class of components, describe the characteristics common to them all.

Figure 1. GTE knob. This knob goes to eleven. The knob has a knurled top and the markings on the skirt are numbered from 1 to 11.


Are there terms the designer should know in order to understand this class of component? Explain or illustrate them here.

Typical Applications

What is this typically used for? What uses do you plan for it yourself? How did that work out?

Manufacturer Info

If you’re describing a specific component, list the manufacturer (not the vendor), the model number, and link to the data sheet. If you are describing a class, give examples here with links to the data sheets.