


Jeff's feedback

Description: “Epitaph for Earth” / "Stone" A rock is the nucleus for a set of measurements that generate a musical composition. In the fully-realized version the rock would be weighed on a turntable that rotates it while being scanned by a distance sensor (generating a 3D contour as a long spiral measurement) and a camera (for texture and possibly ML rock type classification). This data drives a PD patch generating sound.

I think the vision for the project is really strong, and requires careful fabrication to both function properly and look correct. I see it as a cross between hifi audio equipment (think minimalist turntable) and lab equipment / CNC machines. As such it could be a little expensive to create. On the software side, I encourage you to force yourself to work with strictly the kind of data you expect to get from scanning a rock. You can generate/fake this data - a single number (mass), a long data table (the scan values), a series of images (the camera) and a ML classification (list of possible type strings and numeric weights). Then work on using only this data to affect the patch.
