What is Kinetic project?

The kinetic project is to turn motion into light.

Condition the output of your generator to safely power (at a minimum) a light, which could be a single bulb (of any type) or a more complex display. Consider the efficiency of the light source in lumens per watt.

Team member

Shuainan Yang

Shinnosuke Komiya

Shirley Wu

Our idea

As our Kinetic project, we have decided to make a steam engine.

Steam engine is an old-fashioned engine mechanism for making a movement to generator through steam power.

First of all, we thought the steam power from the small candle isn’t such big so we bought stirling engine kit from Amazon to make sure how it works and how much power it generates.


Then we noticed the stirling engine doesn’t generate enough power to make a generator move.

Because the stirling engine concept is a bit different from steam engine’s.

So we decided to make a homemade steam engine from scratch lol.