A1 Shiba wants to go to the new butterfly exhibit with her friend Corgi Corgi wants to stay inside and bake cookies Shiba insists, Corgi begrudgingly agrees. A2 Shiba and Corgi get to the subway station to catch a ride to the exhibit But There’s has been a tragic accident on the subway that involves a lot of blood So they rush to the bicycle stand to get some citibikes. They’re ticketed by a bulldog cop for riding too fast. The only way they’ll get there in time now is to cross the river! They can’t swim well. Corgi is almost left behind. They both wash up on shore. Shiba springs up, ready for the exhibit. Corgi is exhausted. A3 Corgi says that Shiba always gets her way. They should’ve just stayed inside and made cookies. They part ways. Shiba finally gets to the butterfly exhibit, but changes her mind last second. Wait!!!! Corgi i love you! The two of them bake butterfly cookies. A happy compromise.

This is our story which we made last week.





